
To the library

I love libraries because...

1. They have books there
3. Librarians have the neatest supplies.

So, I'm very excited about this little addition to my hardcover notebooks. Library cards! A perfect place to write your name and contact information in case your book is ever lost.

:: now with library cards ::

I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of seniors from Tyler School of Art this morning. They came and visited my studio and we talked about what happens after art school, setting up a studio, finding work, making ends meet so you can make your work, etc. It was really nice meeting them all and I wish them the best.

I got to my studio a bit early and while I was there photographed a few books I've recently acquired.

I love the odd pinkish color of this illustration of the Red Eyed Vireo.

:: birds that every child should know ::

Then there's this vivid and bold cover. Love the giant V. Whenever I hear something about victory gardens, it makes me think of Rascal.

:: victory garden manual ::

The last one is Nature's Notebook which has beautifully drawn illustrations of wildlife. I wish Kingfishers lived in Philadelphia. I'd like to look over and see one of those on a wire.

:: nature's notebook ::

Old Books

I recently put out a call to my friends asking for old paper and books. I'm planning on making a whole bunch of new mixed paper books in the next couple weeks, so I need all the paper I can get. A friend of mine sent me a few old books, including this school reader.

:: a children's reader ::

When I got it, it was wrapped in very dirty printed fabric which protected the original cover from becoming bleached or worn. It's such a beautiful design, especially for a children's school book.

:: run, hen, run! ::

Inside are detailed engravings of animals, people, and activities. One thing I found striking is how the lessons are centered on much more agrarian topics (and a lot more rats...) than what would be addressed in today's textbooks.

:: i too am a stationer and bookseller ::

Wilmington is where I grew up. I wish I could go back and time and visit this store. I bet they had some pretty great notebooks for sale.

:: bluejay ::

My friend also sent me a couple of books with illustrations of birds. I especially love the colors of this illustration of a bluejay from a children's guide to birds.

:: mr. cardinal ::

And the simplicity of this illustration of a cardinal on the roof from a children's book of stories.

Thanks, friends!